Hi, it’s Mandy Gibbons and today I want to share with you everything that you need to know about the Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt Program and how it can help you create the lower body you deserve…
But first, it’s honesty time!
[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#cd49b3″]You see, I’ve experienced both sides of the legs and glutes rollercoaster…
I started off with a flat butt, in fact so flat that my butt didn’t fill out my jeans.
I used to look at other women wishing I had their amazing curvy butt’s that would totally rock their jeans and shorts…
I wondered “what the heck are they doing, that I’m not doing, to get awesome glutes and legs like that.
[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#cd49b3″]How did they get that “sticky out” butt that looked like it stood up on it’s own?
My legs weren’t too bad when they were in great condition, but they did yo-yo between slim to really solid – not the defined look I was after.
I remember feeling frustrated and disappointed – trying different workouts and hints and tips. And just not knowing what I was doing wrong…
And why I couldn’t take my results to that higher level.
I admit, there were times when I wondered if all this training and trying to figure this out was even worth it…
But I didn’t want to have to give up and rely on padded butt enhancing shapewear, like other women were doing, yes even the ones that exercised regularly were doing that.
I wanted to be able to transform my lower body and make it amazing. I really wanted it. I just needed to figure out how.
[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#cd49b3″]I wanted to be able to put on a sexy pair of shorts, a short dress or pair of jeans whenever I wanted too…
And look great, and not worry about covering up my butt or my thighs.
I was so fed up with people continually making fun of my “no” butt.
It was time for a change!
So I decided to make it a mission to learn how to change the shape of my butt. How to make it fuller, shapely while still being lean and defined.
How to create lean, sexy legs and a butt that I could be proud of.
Putting my training, my knowledge and firsthand experience together I started planning out how I was going to truly change my lower body. I got super excited, focused , committed and totally went for it.
Here’s the thing, having a plan in place, rather than trying to implement lots of different options at once, is a heck of a lot easier when it comes to getting great results!
So here I was, I’d created for myself some rockin glutes and legs… It was awesome. I even shocked myself at the changes I was able to make.
But… A few years later, I fell ill, really ill for months… (which wasn’t like me as I never used to get sick)
I gained bodyfat and lost valuable muscle, I wasn’t able to train, my appetite went caput and my butt went from being toned and curvy to just BIG and square shaped.
My legs experienced muscle depletion and went from sexy and firm to floppy and soft – very quickly.
I was embarrassed.
And those old feelings of paranoia about my lower body came flooding back. I couldn’t believe this was happening.
[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#cd49b3″]I didn’t want to go through all this again… I needed to fix this before it got any worse.
So I figured if I could transform my lower body before and maintain it, I could definitely do it again.
The awesome part about this is…
I was able to figure out, no matter which end of the leg and butt spectrum you’re coming from, your legs and butt can be transformed leaps and bounds…not to mention, super efficiently, if you know what you’re doing.
So once again I put a plan into place and the results came. Faster than I thought. Like my previous efforts… It was awesome!
The human body and what you can achieve with your training, and the exciting changes you can make, never ceases to amaze me.
As a Personal Fitness Trainer over the years I continue to be asked:
“How do I fix my legs and butt, Mandy?”
“Mandy, I’m embarrassed of my legs and butt, I don’t want to wear shorts, can you help me?”
“Mandy, I cancelled my holidays because I don’t want to be seen in my swimsuit – my legs and butt look terrible, I don’t know what to do?”
“Mandy, I’m so ashamed of my lower body – I’m so over it, what should I do?”
[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#cd49b3″]And this is how the Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt program came about.
Over the years my clients and colleagues have pulled me up on this saying: “all this awesome advice on workouts and transforming your legs and butt, Mandy… you need to share this. “
And honestly for years I’ve been more than happy to keep what I know to myself and my clients. I didn’t see the need to put another “butt program” out there.
So I sat down with pen and paper and asked myself this…:
- “what do I wish I knew years ago when I needed help with my butt and legs?”
- “what do I wish someone could’ve showed me with my workouts, that could’ve helped me get the results I was looking for?”
- “People need to know how to achieve an amazing lower body without having to do heaps of heavy squats…”
- “And how to create an amazing sexy toned upper body to match your hot rocking lower body”
And I designed from scratch the Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt Program.
Yes, that’s my butt! 🙂
[text_bar_1 background=”#cd49b3″ + width=”100%”]Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt Program[/text_bar_1]
A complete 12 week online butt, legs, abs and upper body transformation program, that provides you with smart effective workouts for women who want far greater results and more impact with their butt and leg training.
The program is focused around my 4 phase system taking your lower body training (and upper body) to a whole new level, where you’ll receive step by step how to shape, tone and lift your butt and create sexy lean legs. Created on what I found works for myself and my clients.
[text_bar_1 background=”#cd49b3″ + width=”100%”]Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt Workouts:[/text_bar_1]
Each Phase and the workouts within it, has been created to cater for specific goals and has it’s own full instructions.
The results based leg and butt workouts are based on training in the comfort of your own home with limited equipment.
4 Phase Training for Beginners: Starting from beginners (if you’re a newbie to training) this will progress you through the 4 training phases, ramping up your metabolism, while shaping and sculpting your butt, legs, abs and upper body. Taking you up a level each phase though to intermediate, so you’re really making headway with your results and your training – big time!
4 Phase Training For Intermediate to Advanced: If you already train on a regular basis then you can start from this phase of the program. If you thought that maybe you’ve plateaued or that the results you really want may not be possible then this is the opportunity to change that.
Serious about transforming your body? Then this is for you!
This is what I specialize in!
[text_bar_1 background=”#cd49b3″ + width=”100%”]Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt Exercises:[/text_bar_1]
When you click on the exercises in the workouts you’ll be taken to that individual exercise which will include full video and written instructions – so you know exactly what to do. No second guessing!
To ensure that you maximize your recovery, I’ve included post workout stretches. So I’ve hooked you up to our “stretches video database”. 🙂
[text_bar_1 background=”#cd49b3″ + width=”100%”]Accountability and Support:[/text_bar_1]
You’ll also receive accountability and support from myself and your awesome caring and inspiring fellow members via our Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt Program Private Accountability and Support Facebook Group.
Need help? Just email me or post into the support group. Everything can be figured out, and I’m more than happy to help.
[text_bar_1 background=”#cd49b3″ + width=”100%”]How do I Access the Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt Program?[/text_bar_1]
The entire Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt program is contained in the Rock Your Shorts clients area. Where you can access it whenever you wish after you’ve joined.
[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#cd49b3″]”What started off as me learning from my own trial and errors through to helping my clients over the years, has turned into one of the most exciting programs that I have created and that I’m extremely proud of.”
I love working with my clients, I love seeing the results they get and I want to see you achieve the results that you deserve to have.
No more convincing yourself it won’t happen. Because it can, and it will if you’re ready!
No more saying “I don’t want to participate in life, because I’m being held back due feeling crappy about my legs and butt”.
How would that make you feel to just say “yes, I’d love to come to that party, that holiday, that special occasion” and know that you’re going to rock your shorts, rock your swimsuit , feel comfy with your body, and not have to hide in the corner anymore.
[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#cd49b3″]Rock Your Shorts – Sexy Lean Legs and Butt Program is about showing you how you can change the way you train your lower body (and upper body) for good.
If you’re truly ready to start making those changes today then say “yes”.
“Yes” to investing in yourself
“Yes” to finally feeling and looking amazing in your shorts, dresses and jeans
“Yes” to participating in life again.
It will mean everything to me to help you achieve those results that you deserve.
So click the button now and register below I’ll see you inside the program.
Music in video by Right Said Fred “I’m too sexy” and “Le Freak” by the band Chic. 🙂